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Extraordinary at Being Ordinary

After an incredibly wonderful yet insanely busy summer, a new season is upon us. I've had the opportunity to teach at various intensives, present at symposiums, travel through Europe, spend days at the beach, teach private lessons, and so much more. Returning to a normal routine can be challenging or even depressing. On my last day of summer vacation, I was already thinking about how I was going to get all the things done without even having stepped foot on the plane yet.

I am really good at looking ahead and planning my next "big move."

When I was an actor, I was constantly worrying about my next job. I'd go through a viscous cycle of anxiety and stress auditioning, jubilation if I booked, five seconds of brief peace performing, and then back to sadness and stress once the show was done. As a result, I missed A LOT of life.

My therapist once said to me that her goal in life was not to be the most sought after, highly regarded, mental health professional in the world, but the most extraordinary person at living an ordinary life. Because let's face it, our lives are filled with mostly ordinary experiences; sipping coffee in the morning, cleaning the house, dinner with a friend. We can either choose to embrace these "ordinary" experiences, allowing them to take us wherever they may take us, or constantly live a life striving to get to the next goal or next "extraordinary" point. I like the first way.

Life is a collection of ups and downs. There will certainly be moments of good and bad but as one of my favorite sayings goes;

You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. -Jon Kabat-Zinn

I look to Hercules (my 3 year old Chihuahua) for inspiration. He follows his nose, or his ball, or his owner without any regard for the past or present. Along the way he discovers a new plot of grass, a forgotten toy, a really tasty bone, or a warm cozy spot to take (another) nap. Our pets can teach us a lot about living in the moment.

Herky taking yet another nap

I'm grateful for my ordinary, and yes, beautiful voice, (thank you Jo Estill). It helps me communicate my wants and needs throughout my day, it brings me joy when I'm belting out a familiar chorus, and it provides help and comfort to those who need it.

Our ordinary voices do extraordinary things.


About the author: Luke Steinhauer is a premier vocal coach, international voice consultant, and Estill Master Trainer, based in New York City. Luke is a graduate of The University of Michigan and an MBA Candidate at Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business, CUNY. @lukesteinhauervoice

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